Ginger Molasses Cookies

It's so warm outside right now that I think the weather is trying to trick us.  Being this warm in early March can only mean that the weather gods will punish us later.  

Like on the way home for spring break.
It would happen. 

Weather gods don't like it when people get where they want to be on time. 


This is my ode to Flour. 

Their cookies are absolutely amazing! Chocolate chip, double chocolate chip, oatmeal raisin, and best of all, Ginger Molasses! Yumm I feel a rumble in my stomach already.  After  hearing about Joanne Chang's  new book I knew I had to try making this cookie! 

Initially after making these, I was a little down about them. The cookies stuck to the pan so I had a difficult time getting them off and the ones from the bakery still seemed to be a million times better.

Rough night.

But a day later, I have no clue what I was thinking! These cookies are so good! They smelled like Christmas. They even taste like Christmas.  The sugar on the bottom was slightly caramelized and proved to be a crucial part of the cookie's deliciousness.  Plus, the recipe was super easy and super fast. Now that I have the rest of the jar of molasses, I'll be sure to make these cookies all the time.

Recipe (from Flour)

12 tbsp butter
1 cup tightly packed light brown sugar
1/4 cup molasses
1 egg
2 cup all purpose flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp ground ginger
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp clove
1/2 tsp salt
small bowl of sugar for tossing

Preheat to 350 degrees.
Melt butter and cool for 30 min, until just warm.
Combine butter, brown sugar, molasses, egg and mix together.
Stir together flour, baking soda, ginger, cinnamon, clove, and salt.
Fold the dry ingredients into the wet.

For big cookies, use 1/4 cup sized. For smaller ones, use about 1 1/2 tbsp of dough.

Toss in sugar
Line the baking sheet with parchment paper. (I just used foil, I never have parchment paper around!)
Bake 8-10 minutes for small cookies and 16-18 for larger cookies.
Let cool for 20 minutes.

Happy baking!


  1. Oh cookies cookies galore I see!
    If I had not one not two but yes please, three!

    A glass of milk is best with these
    'What are you--two?' your friends may tease

    But you will not blink
    Because all you will think

    Is, "What crunch, what flavor
    Have I been so lucky to savor?"

  2. That was my ode to you.
    In respond to your ode to Flour.


    (Okay, disclaimer, I'm not exactly sure what the literary requirements for an ode is, and true that's probably note an ode.)

  3. Looks like a delicious way to make it feel like Christmas all year round. Thanks for linking up to Sweets for a Saturday.


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